Monday, July 11, 2011

CC or Not

Well the 2011 BSAF is over and in the bag. The big question for us was "if the acceptance of credit cards increased our business? Or better put Did not accepting Credit Cards hurt our sales?

Well here are some facts in 2011 our sales increased by 226% over 2010. Of the sales we made, 82% were done on credit cards. This year we have also sold more of our larger pieces, and less of the regular or normal sized pots. This trend was supported during both of our major shows.

I did notice in both of the shows, roughly 1/3 of the customers asked if you took credit cards prior to handing it to you, the other 2/3 either saw the 3"x3" sign or just assumed. I did have one person say after they asked if I took credit cards "good, cause they were out of cash." So that is one sale I would have missed out on.

In the past I was certain we didn't miss many sales due to the lack of credit acceptance, but after this weekend i'm not certain. I know personally when all i have left if my debit card, or short on cash I double check for the familiar logos of the credit conglomerates prior to purchasing or even going in.

We have another show this upcoming weekend, and we will see what it brings.

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