Friday, July 22, 2011

Bemidji Art in the Park

I know I'm a little late, considering the festival was last weekend, what can I say it has been a crazy week. between the W2 job and kids activities pottery has been on the back burner. I did get an order shipped, does that count?

Anyway, I am now a believer that credit cards help increase sales. We increased sales in Bemidji by 125%, of that 88% was on plastic. We even had people buy multiple pieces! The weather did not cooperate otherwise i believe we would have had even more growth in the sales category.

The weather, what can you do. On Saturday the police ordered the park evacuated due to a thunderstorm, by the time we had battened down the hatches so to speak they gave the all clear saying the storm had broken up. Well it was late enough in the afternoon that people who had left didn't return, but there still some people who ventured out, but the crowds were much lighter.

On Sunday the storm did hit with 90 mins left, at which point the vendors including us, decided to pack up. No last minute sales this time.

Alas, credit cards are good for sales, i know most of you are saying DUH! but I'm set in my ways. We are now exploring the possibility of online sales via paypal. I'll keep you updated

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