Wednesday, April 4, 2012


My Mother-in-Law was so kind to point out this week that my shelves were looking rather empty...So a throwing I will go. Bisqued a kiln load last week, and have one starting this morning and enough pots to light it again in a couple days. It's not that I haven't been working, just not as much as I normally have by this time of year.

I hope to do a foil saggar firing in the next couple weeks, but the W2 is keeping me busy working extra hours. Hours that come out of my throwing time. I guess I need the feel the crunch more than I do right now. I do have enough finish work for the 1st few show, lots of great Pits, just no foil or paper saggars. I have about 8 platters ready to go, which don't see to stick around long at shows or galleries, but I want to do more once my drying containers are emptied.

I figure I've throw just shy of 350 pounds of clay in the past couple weeks, for some of you that not much, but it been all I've managed to get done in the half to one day I've been averaging.

I am working on a couple test piece of a new design inspired by Michael Eden, 3 test pots are under plastic drying now, these are much more labor intensive than our standard pots, lets hope they turn out.

So Far this year we will be back at Sidewalk Arts in Sioux Falls, Artburst in Orange City, and Art on the Lake in Excelsior. Also have a piece touring South Dakota for 16 months beginning in May.

Until next time...

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