Monday, August 29, 2011


Another year is done, and finished. Wanted to thank all the people behind the festival. The Artist reception was great, I noticed much more advertising this year. Crowds were light, so artists were never overwhelmed in their booths, but there were serious buyers in the crowd.

This year I personally scored a couple great pieces of artwork to adorn my studio walls. (at least when I have walls) One print from Jennifer White, and a couple small canvases from Chris Francis. Speaking of Chris if you are in Sioux Falls this weekend, he has an opening at Eastbank on Friday, His work is fabulous.

As for the update regarding credit cards, less then 20% of the sales from the weekend were on plastic. Doesn't help the Pro credit side.

Two weeks to Sidewalk Arts, and I'm already preparing.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


ARTROCKS in Luverne, MN is a few days away. Not nearly are ready as I'd like to be. Don't worry it will all work out. I realized last week we had thrown away all our shredded paper we pack the piece in for shows since it was sopping wet. My 3 junior assistants did not have time to shred with all the final getting ready for school stuff. Still have not replaced my literature holders, that will be done tonight hopefully during my sons football practice.

Also we are upgrading vehicles, hoping to find one that can haul kids plus hockey bags, or kids plus show booth, is all wheel drive or 4 wheel drive, is not a tin can, and a few other bells and whistle may good. Our 1994 transport, has served its purpose, but it needs to be moved out our mechanic's assisted living program. Once the replacement vehicle is here I will be able to better judge what i need to pack for the show.

Anyway, ARTROCKS is this Saturday, it is a Awesome little show, its our 4th year here. I heard this year is heavy on the pottery, which I enjoy, wondering around and seeing what else is out there. I will be bringing a piece that is near and dear to my heart. I have used the piece for many photos and festival entry forms, but now it time to move it on out. This will be the 1st show it will be out at. Come check it out.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Google +

Was invited to join Google + this last week. I joined. Has some nice features, but I cannot see it ousting facebook or twitter. I am in a couple circles, and basically it is 2 people who fill up my wall. The others that are on it that I know and have circled haven't posted anything.

Does anyone have any experience or feelings toward Google+? I am still surprised by Linkedin and the number of people I know on there and am connecting with, so my feelings on Google + are still in the air.

If you want to find me on google+ we are listed as up in smoke pottery
If you want to find me on Linkedin it is Chad Dykstra.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Holiday Show

It is August, our typical show seasons wraps up in 6 weeks. We have not found a winter/holiday show falls in line with our goals. there is one that is relentlessly badgering us to pay the $300-$400 to partake in theirs. I gone as a customer, I would never make the money back. We are looking at one in a new market, but waiting for a little more, we may do it just to have a show to do.

Which has led us to do our own holiday open house/ open studio. For those of you on FB you are getting this twice since this will post to the FB account as well, but for those in webland, if you'd be so kind to offer your input as to the hours we should be open.

The poll has been up for a couple hours and have gotten great feedback, much different then we expected. And a few great messages/IM/ comments/ emails on the subject.

Thank you in advance for your input.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

professional potter?

Last night, I thought occurred to me that I may have met one of my life goals, on a technicality. For about the last 20 years, I have always said I wanted to be a professional potter when I grow up. Thinking back to the definition of professional in terms of athletics, you were considered a professional when someone paid you to do it. Well I have sold pots for over 3 years now, someone is paying me for my work. I guess by definition I am a professional and have met my goal.

The technicality comes in, when I said that goal, i always meant that would be my profession, and I supported my family on that profession. I never stated the goal was to be a self sufficient potter, just a professional potter.

I don't feel like a professional. What does a professional potter feel like? I know I have people come to me for help with their pottery. Our website is doing well, even thought the search engines ignore it, (i'm working on it). I have been taking more and more custom orders for stoneware, a technique I'm don't do regularly.

I know when I was a manager of restaurants, I considered myself a professional and many of the same things applied. Was it that I reported to someone and they told me I was a professional? Or did I just act the role of the professional because of the title?

In my current night/day job the infamous W2, I am regarded as a professional. Once again not sure it is because someone told me I was or the prestige of a title. I do enjoy my W2 job, it is very satisfying knowing you did make a difference or an impact nearly everyday. On the other side, I have found out things and learned things about people I can never forget and somethings are better to be naive about.

I know I now need to amend the goal. It just feels weird to put professional pottery behind my name. I realize by definition I have obtained that right, but not certain if it appropriate yet.

Monday, August 1, 2011


totally rewrote the home page and working on redoing some of the others. The processes page has been changed to an overview of atmospheric firing , the sub page of pit firing has been re written with lots more detail, and more detail to come, the education and contact have been separated. I will add a book list and links as well as a description of each of the work shops.

Anything you'd like to see? let me know.

Anyway, tomorrow is the trip to Omaha with a few platters and our "Sun." I'm withholding pics until after the show opens. For those of you who were in Bemidji, you got to see it's sister piece in our booth, it received several compliments, but the real sun didn't shine long enough for anyone to take our home with them.

Still mentally hashing out studio I us money to make the studio pretty, or do i use it to make the antechamber look better for the open house....still have to think on that one.