Wednesday, July 27, 2011


My mind is seriously drained. Over the past 53 hours or so I have built a website, made several modifications, opened an etsy store, and set up payments through paypal, worked W2 in emergency services during a flash thunderstorm/flood where people have no problems driving through flooded streets and upset when their car and belongings cannot/will not be rescue until water subsides, couple structure fires caused by lighting, cars falling into construction holes and man holes were the lid blew off, plus the normal day to day things of being a father and husband. Tonight I have meetings and back to W2.

I did make it into the studio for a short period today, I worked on sealing a couple pieces in tung oil, a new process I'm trying. Also added a google+1 button to the website and began working on making it more search friendly.

My brain is still working the details on a couple new designs, one would be a customizible series and the other new design for my new found, but rarely seen (yet), expression pieces. One will be going to White Crane Gallery in Omaha next week.

Also while sitting sealing pieces i began to rethink the studio layout. I need to think a bit more on that for a while. trying to determine if I should rebuild my drying table for one that has more room, but sacrifice my space for a future slab roller. Definitely need to think on that for a while.

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