Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Workshop info

I have been getting a couple inquires about Pit Firing workshops. Yes we do have a workshop format developed modeled after many of the ones I have attended. It scheduled for 1.5-2 days in length. Day one is starts with digging the pit, after an introduction and seeing who many and what sizes of pieces that have been brought. Once the pit is done, we will go to a wheel work, showing how i get the smooth sides, and talk about clay selection, terra sigg vs burnishing. We will also take some time going over various colorants and their effects or reported effects. Somewhere in there will be a lunch break. We will also work on saggars that i use in the pit and build some along the way. We will finish the afternoon wrapping pots for the firing, building the firing base, and packing the pit. At this point we can either light it before dinner or after. I do enjoy lighting the pit at dusk so the color in the flames are more evident. We will meet again on day two, and empty the pit as soon as it is cool enough. We will discuss the results of the firing and talk about sealants, trim the pieces that were thrown yesterday, question and answer period and clean and fill the pit back in.

The 2012 base cost is $600 plus lodging, meals, and mileage from Sioux Falls, SD. ($1 per mile, one way) Material costs are extra if I provide them.