Friday, March 27, 2009

Open House

First off want to thank everyone who made it out the open house in Cedar Falls, and thanks to Beth and Steve for having us there. It was a great time.
On our way back we stopped at the Prairie Moon Gallery in Luverne, MN. We updated her selection with a few newer pieces, she still has one of the best pit fire pieces I have ever done. If you are in the area, check it out before she buys it herself.
The weather is looking like we might be able to get to the pit, planning on next weekend if we can get across the creek. Hopefully we can and we will have some new work to post.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It been crazy this week and I believe the next couple weeks are going to the same if not worse. I am currently spending any/all free time in the studio trying to have enough pieces for a couple pit firings to fill the vacancies in some of the galleries. Speaking of galleries, Remember Friday night in Cedar Falls is the open house, come if you are able. Also we delivered a round of fresh work to Piper Gallery here in Sioux Falls. Check them out at

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mark you calenders, here is the official announcement of our open house in Cedar Falls, IA! Sounds like fun hope to see you there.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Here is a couple of newer pieces from the last couple firings. Couple of the foil saggar, and a couple blackware pieces. I am enjoying the blackware still searching for the ultimate end product but these have been a hit. Don't forget to mark your calenders for March 20 in Cedar Falls, IA. My wife and I will be there at the
Element Portraits Studio for an open house. Come and say hi and look at our work. There is a nice selection there currently and we will bring some more with us for the event. Hope to see you there!